September 2014 Newsletter: USFSP READ-A-BULL Volume 1, Issue1

Hello everyone!

Check out what our awesome Peer Mentor Nicole made for our very first Newsletter! So go take a look and leave some awesome comments, questions, or even a topic suggestion for her to write about!Give her some great feedback. 🙂 Newsletter Sept 2014

Upcoming Peer Mentor Event and Workshop! Attend if you can! :)

Hello everyone!

By Monday September 22 please RSVP on Canvas (Announcement post) for the upcoming workshop (counts towards your Passport). An upcoming workshop is called The Perks of Being a USFSP Student on Wednesday September 24 at 5-6pm in COQ 101 TRiO SSS Office! I hope you all will RSVP and come to support Peer Mentor Tiffany and to learn some new information. 🙂 Check flyer for more details!
Also Peer Mentor Rose will be hosting an event Thursday-September 25th in RHO 6th floor lounge, playing Awesome movies for Movie Night! Go out and support Peer Mentor Rose by attending her event! 🙂 Check the flyer for more information!

trio event 1

“The Perks of Being a USFSP Student”

Calling all TRiO SSS Freshmen Students in the Peer Mentor Program:

Here is your first of three opportunities to fulfill your monthly workshop requirement

(note that all TRiO SSS students are welcome to attend)

Ever wondered what your student ID can get you on-and off-campus?

Come to the TRiO SSS September Monthly Workshop put on by your very own Peer Mentor,Tiffany Lyp!

Wednesday, September 24th from 5-6 PM in COQ 101

Please RSVP by Monday, September 22nd via Canvas by replying to the post on CANVAS!

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Study/Homework/Test-taking Tips and Freshmen Tips

Are you having issues with studying? Feel like you are falling behind in class and don’t know where to turn to for help?

Well you can always meet with TRiO SSS Advisors for help, Go to Nick or Tyler for Tutoring, even turn to Student Success Center for additional tutoring.

Feel like your still new on campus and don’t really know your way around campus, how to get involved, stay on track, or meet people?

Well you can always go to PeteSync and check when Clubs are meeting, look on bulletin boards for upcoming events along with USFSP Know It All Guide on Facebook! You can always meet with your advisors or Peer Mentors for advice too!

But take a look at some tips that I found from online that relates to test-taking, note-taking, homework, and being a freshmen!  (I posted the links later on in the post but there are plenty of other tips that I didn’t post from the links so be sure to look at all of them!)

Here are some major (or great) tips I found from the links (posted later on in this post):

-Find a comfortable and quiet place to study with good lighting and little distractions (try avoiding your own bed; it is very tempting to just lie down and take a nap).

-Make sure that you understand the material well, don’t just read through the material and try to memorize everything.

-Space out your studying, you’ll learn more by studying a little every day instead of waiting to cram at the last minute. By studying every day, the material will stay in your long-term memory but if you try to study at the last moment, the material will only reside in your short-term memory that you’ll easily forget.

Move your butt.Research suggests studying the same stuff in a different place every day makes us less likely to forget that information. That’s because, every time we move around (from the library to the coffee shop, or the coffee shop to the toilet seat), we force the brain to form new associations with the same material so it becomes a stronger memory.

Write it out.Put those third-grade penmanship lessons to good use. Research suggests we store information more securely when we write it out by hand than when we type it. Start by recopying the most important notes from the semester onto a new sheet of paper.

Doze off.When there’s a textbook full of equations to memorize, it can be tempting to stay up all night committing them to memory (or trying to). But all-nighters rarely lead to an automatic A—in fact, they’ve been linked to impaired cognitive performance and greater sensitivity to stress [6]. In the days leading up to a big exam, aim to get those seven to nine hours a night so sleep deprivation doesn’t undo all the hard work you’ve put in. 

Learn what works.
Some people are early birds; some are night owls; some prefer to study with a pal; others need complete and total silence. Experiment to find what’s most effective for you, and then stick with it! 

-You should receive a syllabus for each class. This is the Rule Book for that class (in my classes, we call it the Survival Manual). Know everything on that syllabus! Your teacher has the right to expect you to know and abide by any rules and stipulations on that document, and it is perfectly within his/her rights to penalize you for failing to do so. Respect dates and deadlines, and expect to lose points if you turn things in late.

Save everything. Never throw away a handout or a returned assignment or exam. With this in mind, equip yourself with a pouched folder for each class.

Go to class. Obvious, right? Maybe, but sleeping in and skipping that 8 am class will be tempting at times. Avoid the temptation. Besides learning the material by attending classes, you’ll also receive vital information from the professors about what to expect on tests, changes in due dates, etc.

Get involved on campus. A big problem for a lot of new students is a combination of homesickness and a feeling of not quite belonging. A solution? Consider joining a select group — and be careful not to go overboard — of student organizations, clubs, sororities or fraternities, or sports teams. You’ll make new friends, learn new skills, and feel more connected to your school.

Take advantage of the study resources on campus. Just about all colleges have learning labs and tutors available. If you’re having some troubles, these resources are another tool available to you. Another idea: form study groups.

Make connections with students in your classes. One of my best students said his technique in the first week of classes was to meet at least one new person in each of his classes. It expanded his network of friends — and was a crucial resource at times when he had to miss a class.

Don’t feel pressured to make a hasty decision about a career or a major. It doesn’t matter if it seems as though everyone else seems to know what they’re doing with their lives — believe me, they don’t — college is the time for you to really discover who you are, what you enjoy doing, what you’re good at, and what you want to be. It’s not a race; take your time and enjoy exploring your options.

-Getting a tutor does not make you look dumb. Not getting one when you need help does.

-Try out as many clubs as you can. Feel no obligation to them if you don’t like them. College is about finding out what you love to do.

-Don’t put your alarm clock anywhere you can reach it. Make yourself get out of bed to turn it off.

-You need a calendar. Google Calendar is probably the best one there is.

Also here are some neat websites with awesome tips and tricks for studying, homework, and test taking! So take a look at them especially if you are needing help with studying!

Test Taking Tips Links:

Freshmen Tips Links:

Hope these tips links will help you in class and outside of the classroom! Just try your best, make sure you seek help and ask for help!


Do any of you feel like you are lost or left behind in class? If so, come into COQ 101 (TRiO SSS Office) To see Tyler or Nick, our Student Tutors!


Tyler will help you with College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Business Calculus, Business Stats 1&2, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Computers in Business, Business Law, Finance, Information Systems Management, Principles of Management, Basic Marketing, and International Management!


Nick can help you with Chemistry 1 & 2, Biology 1 & 2, Physics 1& 2, and even Stats!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Nick 5-6PM  9-10AM* 5-6PM 9-10AM*


Tyler 10:30-12:30PM 10:30-12:30PM 10:30-12:30PM 10:30-1:30PM
4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM

*= By appointment!

If you need help in a different subject, stop by the Student Success Center Davis 107, call 727-873-4632, or check online for subjects and tutor hours at


This blog was made for TRiO SSS Students in the Peer Mentor Program of Fall 2014 at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg! The blog will have updates about upcoming TrioSSS events, On-campus events, strategies  for school life, social life, and studying/note-taking tips. We provide great support, make great connections, FREE printing, have tutoring and mentoring abilities while providing fun workshops and events for the students to attend.

TRiO Student Support Services is a grant funded program through the US Department of Education. TRiO SSS offers Academic Tutoring, Mentoring, Social/Recreational Activities,Cultural Trips, Academic Field Trips, Workshops, Financial Literacy Help, Advising, FREE Printing and Priority Consideration for Scholarships!

To qualify for TRiOSSS Services students must be:

– First generation student (meaning that you will be the first in your family to get a bachelor’s degree- your parents and/or legal guardian do not have a bachelor’s degree)


-Low-income based upon federal guidelines.

To find out more about TRiO SSS activities please check us out on the:

Trio website:

Trio SSS Facebook page:

Trio SSS Twitter page:

and the Trio SSS Canvas page!

Or Feel Free to stop on by the Trio SSS Office at COQ 101. We are open Mon-Thurs 8:30AM-6PM and Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM.


In the picture: The lovely Priscilla, Rebecca, Terrye, and Kelly with signs saying “Believe. Dream. Achieve.” The living motto of the Trio SSS and among students themselves. These wonderful ladies help run the TRiO SSS activities and make the office (COQ 101) have a great experience overall through the printing services, workshops and events, studying area, and advising services!

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Nick and Tyler are the Student Mentors, Feel free to stop on by and get some help on your latest assignments from class!


Nicole, Rose, and Tiffany are the Peer Mentors for Fall 2014! Feel free to contact them or stop by COQ 101 to leave a message for them. This semester they are in charge of (bi-weekly) Group Meetings, Events, and Workshops!

Welcome Mentees From Orientation!

Hello Fall 2014 Trio SSS Mentees,

The Orientation held last week was tons of fun because of your energy, attitude, and your attendance! We are so excited for this semester and all the great activities that are being planned between the Group Meetings (bi-weekly), Workshops, and On-campus event attendance. It was nice to see such a great turnout and we all appreciate you coming to the orientation! We welcome you on campus, part of the Bulls Family now, as a TRiO SSS member and as a Mentee for the 2014 Fall Peer Mentor Program. We hope you will attend all the FUN activities and events that are planned specifically just for you! Thank you so much! We can’t wait to see your progress through the semester and seeing you attend the events, activities, and the bi-weekly group meetings as well!

Take a look at a few pictures taken from Orientation, you just might see yourself! 🙂
