Money Tips & Tricks $$$

Have you wanted to start saving money but when you do actually try, you end up like: 3q01okimage

We all have looked for money saving techniques, tips, and tricks so we can use the money other places for a fun outing, spending time with friends or roomies, or for a future event! But how does one simply start saving?Do your homework by researching first! Simply Google or even on Pinterest type in good key words like “money saving college students” it’s not too general or too specific and will give you plenty of resources at a moments notice.

Then look through the various articles for what they say you can do and find points that are relevant to you. For example if you don’t own a car and a tip is about driving the speed limit or checking the tires’ air pressure then this tip will have no relevance to you and won’t help you save additional dollars.

Then make a list of things you can do to save money in addition to the list (with price amounts) of what you want to use this money, for example I could save money by having my friends come over to my place (instead of going out) for a fun evening of re-run movies or catching up with a meal like going to Publix (looking at advertisements and coupons) for inspiration for my meal, a simple one could be pasta so buying the noodles, and sauce, the additional pasta could be saved for leftovers for another night!


Here are some helpful tips for saving money:

  1. Buy or rent used textbooks and sell last semester’s books back. There are a number of used textbooks organizations like Chegg, Amazon, Half.
  2.  Don’t make impulse purchases.
  3. Never go grocery shopping when you’re hungry.
  4.  Limit the number of times you eat out monthly.
  5.  Make your own coffee. While coffee shops are convenient, they charge hefty prices that really add up over time.
  6. Consider becoming a resident advisor. Many get free room and board.
  7. If you have a student credit card, pay it back on time. You don’t want to have that bad credit for the rest of your life. But be careful of which card you decide to get, you don’t want to apply for one that will cost you all of your money in fees.
  8. Choose your meal plan carefully based on how much you eat and how often. If you don’t eat 21 meals a week, don’t get that plan. There’s lots of options for a reason.
  9. Find alternative transport instead of having a car. walk, bike, take a subway or bus, there’s always options.
  10. Ask places if they have student discounts and shop at those places. You’d be surprised at how many places offer discounts when you have a student ID. Also, don’t forget to check out Studentrate for tons of deals and discounts.
  11. Drink water. It’s free at restaurants and I’m sure every college in America has water fountains. Splurge on a water bottle, mine was only $12, and it lasts you way longer than a soda or plastic water bottles .
  12. Don’t buy music. Use things like Pandora or Spotify that you can use for free. Or if you have the new iPhone update, they now have iTunes radio.
  13. Make meals with your friends and split the grocery bill. I know from experience that most recipes you make will  be enough for more than just one person anyway. And it’s more fun to cook with someone than by yourself. Be sure to use leftovers!
  14. Continuously apply for scholarships. The more scholarships you win, the more money you won’t have to pay for college, allowing you to spend it elsewhere. Studentrate has scholarships you can apply to here.
  15. Limit how many times you eat out. I know we all get tired of the cafeteria food or making food for ourselves, but it really helps save you a lot of money to avoid eating out at restaurants except for special occasions.

There are many things that you can do but here are some awesome links

to help get you started on your money saving tips!:

How College Students Can Save Money

Some of the best coupon websites are:

Passion For Savings | The Best Black Friday Deals & Coupons for Saving Money

For entertainment deals:

Don’t forget to watch TLC’s Extreme Couponing show for tips and

inspiration from people who coupon too!

You can also look for apps on your smartphone! 

Soon enough you’ll become like: 

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