Upcoming Holiday Events

It’s that time of year and season where everyone starts to focus on holidays which are awesome times to spend with loved ones instead of the classroom but there are more ways to get involved and spread your cheer!

This Friday, October 29 in COQ 101 TRiO SSS building there will be apple cider,donuts, and cartoons!halloween 2014 II

Also on November 7, Friday Club TRiO S4 from 3-4:30pm in COQ101 TRiO office will be hosting a time where you can write a thank you note to soldier and veterans for their service. 

Wellness Center

The Wellness Center has many great resources and services available to you, students! Look for brochures on campus like in the Trio SSS Office or http://www.usfsp.edu/wellness/ for more information! 

“Our services are provided to assist the USFSP community in achieving and maintaining balanced living in regards to physical, emotional, vocational and relational functioning, with an emphasis on collaboration, prevention, and wellness.

Here at the Wellness Center we embrace a definition of diversity that includes ethnic/racial identity, sexual orientation, age, sex, religious beliefs, socioeconomic status, gender identity, nationality, body shape/size and differences in physical ability.

We are committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and affirming environment, which includes providing culturally appropriate services, culturally relevant training, increased accessibility, and quality service delivery.

Our staff is dedicated to providing quality services to all of our students all of the time and we welcome suggestions and input for improvement of our services to our diverse students at USFSP.”


Most students tend to get sick at this time of year whether it be from the change in temperature, something in the air, or from touching dirty door handles and desks.

If you start feeling sick go to your doctor or the Wellness Center for a consultation to help get you feeling better soon! 

In case you didn’t know the various services you can receive from the Wellness Center for being a USFSP student, well now you will know! 


Health Services

Any registered USFSP student is eligible to obtain health care services at the Wellness Center.  Services include:

  • Evaluation and treatment of minor acute illnesses
  • Management of chronic illnesses
  • Physical exams
  • Immunizations
  • Contraception counseling
  • Sexually transmitted infection testing
  • Women’s health
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Referrals to specialty care
  • After-hours nurse advice line


Wellness Consultations

Our Health Educator also provides Wellness Consultations for any student who wants to discuss personal issues around:

  • Maintaining a healthy work/life balance;
  • Healthy relationships;
  • Time management;
  • Sensitive topics like sexual health, birth control, and safer sex;
  • Nutrition and weight management; or
  • Any other question about health and wellness you may have.

Please call 727-873-4422 and schedule an appointment for a Wellness Consultation with the Health Educator.


Wellness Room

We maintain a collection of educational resources in our Wellness Room. The purpose of the Wellness Room is to provide a quiet and safe place for students, faculty and/or staff to achieve their goals of wellness.

Materials and resources available for use in the Wellness Room include:

  • Brochures, pamphlets, books, other written materials on a variety of health and wellness topics
  • DVDs on wellness issues facing college students
  • Meditation CDs
  • Massage chair
  • Biofeedback

The Wellness Room is open anytime during business hours and can be accessed without an appointment.

Online Resources

Nutrition and Fitness

Oral Health

Sexual Health, Contraception, Reproduction, Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexual Violence and Assault/Dating Violence Prevention

Stress Management

Suicide Prevention

Tobacco and Smoking Cessation

Veterans Support


Make sure to take the right precautions and get the help that you need! Know your symptoms , when they started,  and any medicine you have been taking and are allergic to (if any)!



Curious to see what else the Wellness has in store? Take a look at their events calendar!  http://www.usfsp.edu/wellness/events-calendar/

$ Money Saving Tips and Tricks! $

Have you wanted to start saving money but when you do actually try, you end up like: 3q01okimage

We all have looked for money saving techniques, tips, and tricks so we can use the money other places for a fun outing, spending time with friends or roomies, or for a future event! But how does one simply start saving?Do your homework by researching first! Simply Google or even on Pinterest type in good key words like “money saving college students” it’s not too general or too specific and will give you plenty of resources at a moments notice.

Then look through the various articles for what they say you can do and find points that are relevant to you. For example if you don’t own a car and a tip is about driving the speed limit or checking the tires’ air pressure then this tip will have no relevance to you and won’t help you save additional dollars.

Then make a list of things you can do to save money in addition to the list (with price amounts) of what you want to use this money, for example I could save money by having my friends come over to my place (instead of going out) for a fun evening of re-run movies or catching up with a meal like going to Publix (looking at advertisements and coupons) for inspiration for my meal, a simple one could be pasta so buying the noodles, and sauce, the additional pasta could be saved for leftovers for another night!


Here are some helpful tips for saving money:

  1. Buy or rent used textbooks and sell last semester’s books back. There are a number of used textbooks organizations like Chegg, Amazon, Half.
  2.  Don’t make impulse purchases.
  3. Never go grocery shopping when you’re hungry.
  4.  Limit the number of times you eat out monthly.
  5.  Make your own coffee. While coffee shops are convenient, they charge hefty prices that really add up over time.
  6. Consider becoming a resident advisor. Many get free room and board.
  7. If you have a student credit card, pay it back on time. You don’t want to have that bad credit for the rest of your life. But be careful of which card you decide to get, you don’t want to apply for one that will cost you all of your money in fees.
  8. Choose your meal plan carefully based on how much you eat and how often. If you don’t eat 21 meals a week, don’t get that plan. There’s lots of options for a reason.
  9. Find alternative transport instead of having a car. walk, bike, take a subway or bus, there’s always options.
  10. Ask places if they have student discounts and shop at those places. You’d be surprised at how many places offer discounts when you have a student ID. Also, don’t forget to check out Studentrate for tons of deals and discounts.
  11. Drink water. It’s free at restaurants and I’m sure every college in America has water fountains. Splurge on a water bottle, mine was only $12, and it lasts you way longer than a soda or plastic water bottles .
  12. Don’t buy music. Use things like Pandora or Spotify that you can use for free. Or if you have the new iPhone update, they now have iTunes radio.
  13. Make meals with your friends and split the grocery bill. I know from experience that most recipes you make will  be enough for more than just one person anyway. And it’s more fun to cook with someone than by yourself. Be sure to use leftovers!
  14. Continuously apply for scholarships. The more scholarships you win, the more money you won’t have to pay for college, allowing you to spend it elsewhere. Studentrate has scholarships you can apply to here.
  15. Limit how many times you eat out. I know we all get tired of the cafeteria food or making food for ourselves, but it really helps save you a lot of money to avoid eating out at restaurants except for special occasions.

There are many things that you can do but here are some awesome links

to help get you started on your money saving tips!:





How College Students Can Save Money



Some of the best coupon websites are:







Passion For Savings | The Best Black Friday Deals & Coupons for Saving Money


For entertainment deals: 



Don’t forget to watch TLC’s Extreme Couponing show for tips and

inspiration from people who coupon too!


You can also look for apps on your smartphone! 

Soon enough you’ll become like: 

coupons you-love-coupons-too-ill-go-get-my-scissors omg-coupons_157 resized_the-most-interesting-man-in-the-world-meme-generator-i-dont-always-accept-coupons-but-if-i-do-u-best-better-print-them-up-5b7a72

Upcoming Academic Advising Workshops!

Attention ALL TRiO SSS Students! 

Upcoming are Academic Advising Workshops for Upper-level (Juniors and Seniors) and Lower-level  (Freshman and Sophomores) students! 

For Upper-level Students: your workshop is on Monday October 20th at Noon (12PM) in COQ 101.

Topics to include:

  • Major course sequencing
  • Internships/field experiences
  •  Paperwork not related to classes
  • Confirming status on all the “little known requirements” you never thought about

See attached flyer! 

Upper level advising 10.20.14

For Lower-level Students: you workshop is on Thursday October 23 at 3PM in COQ 101.

Topics to include:

  • How to choose a major?
  • How can you maximize your course use?
  • What is excess hour surcharge?
  • How can I avoid it?
  • How does my GPA affect me?
  • How do I use Degree Works?

See attached flyer. 10003648_1484335485160880_6960659905610406546_o-2

Stressed about upcoming midterms?

Are you stressed with upcoming midterms? Teachers giving you multiple pages filled with questions or study material for the final that is overwhelming you?

Well, take a deep breath and let it out, you’re not the only one who is or has been stressed out about midterms!

Midterms are just a way for your professor to know how you are in the class, like what material needs to be re-taught or re-explained, and if everyone is understanding the concepts of the material. This doesn’t go on your transcript but if you are a freshmen you will have to go talk with academic advisors if the midterm grade isn’t passing to talk about what options you have and what you can do to improve your grade!

Do you feel like Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell?


Well take this advice and you will be fine!

Make sure to stay calm, cool, and collected by using de-stressors like taking a  small break to walk by the waterfront, call your relatives or friends to converse and get a good laugh, stress balls, having “me” time, attending clubs or events (but don’t go to too many they can be a distraction!), watching favorite television show, go to the gym or for a nice run,  listening to music, playing a sport, or even reading a good book!

Some extra extra tips:

-Do not do an all-nighter! You will end up crashing, feeling more tired during the test, and not be able to stay awake for studying and even feeling drowsy/sleepy when taking the midterm. Look at this site for other tips and why all nighters aren’t healthy. https://www.harrishealth.org/en/news/pages/sleep-key-doing-well-exams.aspx


-Talk to professor about the exam and what type of questions will be on the test or ask questions about a specific topic during class, before/after or even during office hours.

-Eat a good healthy, hearty breakfast (and snacks)so you will focus and pay attention to the test and not your grumbling tummy!

-Attend review class seminars and even form or join a study group! Find others in class (or through other means like asking on the USFSP Know It All Guide on FB) for people to make a study group, you will learn through other people teaching you and you teaching others!

-Stay off of Social Media sites like Tumblr, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter until finals are all done!

-Don’t just study in your room, move to other locations to study like the cove, library, TRiO SSS Office, Student Success Center, Student Life Center, by the Waterfront. Change up your location will help you remember more of your subject.

-Write down notes in multicolors pens or even use different colored highlighters to help distinguish between what the professor said, what was written on the board, power point notes, textbook notes or what was important, key points, details, or come up with a system of your own!

-Arrive early with correct and appropriate materials and using bathroom before walking through the classroom’s door and stretch before sitting down.

-Don’t overreact to a poor test score. Move on since you’ll have opportunities later in the semester to make up for a bad score.


-Never compare yourself to peers, and don’t get distracted by students who finish early. Devote all your attention to focusing on the test. The best way to decrease test taking anxiety is to study hard for the test. You must make time to study. There is no easy route to success. Even if you’re prepared, it’s still normal to feel nervous. Utilize the aforementioned tips, and you’ll be fine.

-If you still feel nervous come into TRiO SSS Office to meet with advisors (by appointment) to talk about anxiety and midterms tips or your professor even!

Here are some entertaining memes to help you get through this tough time!


You can easily look up some helpful tips for College student’s midterms thanks to Google!

Here are some that I easily found (some advice is better than others) :


Click to access Mid%20Term%20Study%20Tips.pdf









To conclude for the finale for fellow fans of Hunger Game series!


Stress Management Workshop on October 13, Monday at 4-5pm

Are you feeling stressed out? Overwhelmed?

Because of midterms…?…

Well have no fear TRiO SSS has your back!


Join us on Monday, October 13th

from 4-5pm

in the TRiO SSS Office (COQ 101)

For a workshop on Stress Management and Test Anxiety

Learn valuable strategies, tips and tricks to battle that stress and test anxiety!

Refreshments will be served:)

See attached flyer.

stress management 10.8


You CAN do this! DON’T give up! DON’T stop




“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most

certain way to succeed is always to try just one

more time.” – Thomas Edison



“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will

harvest later.” – Og Mandino


Homecoming Week Fun Events! CardboardBoat Race/Carnival

Hey everyone!

There have been a lot of fun events happening but even more are coming up!



Today there was the Cardboard Boat Races which TRiO had participated in thanks to the lovely Priscilla! She did an awesome job on the boat and had a bunch of support there! Thank you Priscilla! Terrye also did a great job decorating the boat before the race.

Have no fear! in case you were unavailable to attend, there will be pictures and videos made available soon, and I will upload them onto our blog page as well! 🙂

But to hold you over here is one that was taken by USFSP Homecoming page on FB where you can see Priscilla if you look  close enough! 🙂


Also don’t forget there is the Homecoming Carnival going on now! so head out for some sun and get some awesome freebies! check out all the tables and games! 🙂
